Kapitel 4.3

  1. 1. money
  2. 4. cheap
  3. 5. notebook
  4. 6. cost
  5. 9. thats a bargain
  6. 11. book
  7. 12. there in the back
  8. 14. dictionary
  9. 15. only
  10. 16. school supplies
  11. 17. what price?
  12. 18. Look!
  13. 20. up there in the front
  14. 23. eraser
  15. 25. cassette
  1. 2. thatis/are
  2. 3. pencil
  3. 7. look!
  4. 8. pocket calculator
  5. 10. schoolbag
  6. 13. expensive
  7. 19. rather
  8. 21. over there
  9. 22. pen
  10. 24. there