Karleigh- 2.05 B/C Vocab

  1. 2. A federal regulation intended to prevent monopolies from forming and prices from being fixed
  2. 6. A monopoly that the government allows to exist legally under controlled conditions
  3. 8. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or services
  4. 9. Using minimum amounts of resources to the best advantage
  5. 10. the risk of harm caused by human mistakes, dishonesty, or another risk that is attributed to people
  6. 12. A risk-response strategy that involves trying to reduce the chance of loss or severity of loss
  7. 16. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that focuses on the use of price to attract scarce customer dollars
  8. 18. A risk-response strategy that involves assuming responsibility for the risk rather than transferring it
  9. 19. The type of market, or environment,in which businesses operate
  10. 20. The rivalry between two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars
  11. 22. A market structure in which there are relatively few sellers, and industry leaders usually determine prices
  1. 1. An illegal agreement that forbids customers from buying goods and services from competitors
  2. 3. An illegal agreement requiring a customer to buy other products in order to obtain desired goods and services
  3. 4. A risk-response strategy that involves choosing not to do something that is considered risky
  4. 5. A federal regulation that prohibits price discrimination
  5. 7. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services
  6. 11. A return of part of the price a customer pays for a good or service; usually offered by the product’s manufacturer
  7. 13. A risk-response strategy that involves moving the impact of a risk to someone or something else
  8. 14. A federal regulation intended to prevent specific business actions that might restrict competition
  9. 15. a risk that presents the chance of loss but no opportunity for gain
  10. 17. a situation in which either profit or loss is possible
  11. 21. A type of market structure in which a market is controlled by one supplier, and there are no substitute goods or services readily available