
  1. 3. Favorite grade (in words)
  2. 8. Least Favorite Character on Grey's
  3. 9. Favorite Greys Couple
  4. 10. First name of favorite TV Show
  5. 13. Favorite character on Grey's
  6. 14. Month I was born
  7. 15. Night or morning person (use first word)
  8. 16. Name of favorite football team
  1. 1. Favorite number (in words)
  2. 2. Name of favorite baseball team
  3. 4. Favorite Holiday
  4. 5. Location of favorite baseball team
  5. 6. Location of favorite football team
  6. 7. Day I was Born on
  7. 11. Least favorite color
  8. 12. What I want to be