Katia's identity crossword! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ƒπŸ’€

  1. 4. what do I do in my spare time____
  2. 5. what is my pets name____
  3. 7. and Pet Sim what are the 2 games I play on roblox the most
  4. 8. my friend is______
  5. 9. what do I do every Monday and Wednesday day after school_____
  6. 10. what kind of pet do I have____
  7. 11. my zodiac sign is______
  8. 13. my favourite app is______
  1. 1. what I do after school every Friday____
  2. 2. what game do I play that I play every week____
  3. 3. my background is______
  4. 6. I was born in_____
  5. 12. who is my Best friend____