Katie and Baby Fitzy!

  1. 2. Katie's favorite color.
  2. 4. Who was the first to find out Katie was pregnant after Tom?
  3. 6. Least favorite pregnancy symptom.
  4. 7. Katie's husband's name.
  5. 11. Katie hopes to have ____ or _____ total children.
  6. 13. Katie was born at the ____________.
  7. 15. Katie's middle name.
  8. 17. This pregnancy, the smell of _____ makes Katie want to vomit!
  9. 18. The name of Katie's favorite childhood toy leopard.
  10. 19. Piece of baby equipment that scares Katie the most.
  11. 20. Baby's due date month.
  12. 21. Katie and Tom's nickname for the baby so far.
  13. 22. Katie's husband is a ______ that works with robots for his job.
  14. 23. Childhood Katie wanted to be a _____ when she grew up.
  1. 1. One of Katie's favorite foods.
  2. 3. Favorite feature on Baby Fitzy so far.
  3. 5. If Katie could pick Baby Fitzy's future career it would be _______.
  4. 8. Katie was born in ____.
  5. 9. Katie's dog's name.
  6. 10. Least favorite thing about pregnancy.
  7. 12. Baby Fitzy will be born at _____ hospital.
  8. 14. First thing Katie wants to do to Baby Fitzy.
  9. 16. Katie's favorite food during pregnancy so far.
  10. 23. At Baby Fitzy's last ultrasound, he weighed almost ____ pounds!