Kayden Martin Vietnam Conflict

  1. 3. which President sent half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?
  2. 4. The conflict in Vietnam that developed following World War II can best be described as this type of War.
  3. 5. who withheld information about US support of South Vietnamese raids on North Vietnamese radar stations?
  4. 7. What were the Communists in South Vietnam Called (an abbreviation)
  5. 10. what group wanted to unite the country under ho chi minh
  6. 12. What was the theory that if one country fell to communism, it was likely that the neighboring one would also fall?
  7. 14. What was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?
  1. 1. Diem’s Government was overthrown. After this, there was no strong ______ government in control of the South.
  2. 2. who was a corrupt leader who refused to give Peasants land?
  3. 3. what country invaded Vietnam during world war 2?
  4. 6. Describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam.
  5. 8. what empire was vietnam in before world war 2?
  6. 9. Who was the leader of the communist Vietnamese resistance movement?
  7. 11. Vietnam China had become communist in 1949 and communists were in control of what part of Vietnam north or south
  8. 13. Gulf of what__resolution?