
  1. 2. Your BTS crush.
  2. 3. Your favourite music genre.
  3. 5. Your future mom-in-law.
  4. 9. What is your son?
  5. 11. Our first doggo.
  6. 12. Your awesome brother.
  7. 13. Our black doggo.
  8. 14. The size of your heart and brain.
  9. 15. Your 1st high school.
  10. 18. Your appearance and personality.
  11. 20. Our brown doggo.
  12. 21. Your favourite thing in the world.
  13. 22. Your dad.
  1. 1. The leader of BTS.
  2. 2. Your name.
  3. 4. Your favourite color.
  4. 6. The BTS member that says “You my hope, I’m your hope.”
  5. 7. Your mom.
  6. 8. The BTS member that always falls.
  7. 10. Your 2nd high school.
  8. 12. The thing you use the most and leave all over the house.
  9. 16. Did you enjoy this crossword? (Last).
  10. 17. Another name for hedgehog.
  11. 18. Your favourite K-Pop group.
  12. 19. Your actual boyfriend.
  13. 22. Your son’s name.