Kayla + David

  1. 3. ,Who is David's Best Man?
  2. 8. ,What did Kayla study at University?
  3. 9. ,Where did Kayla and David go on their first date?
  4. 11. ,David's favorite hobby
  5. 12. ,Kayla can't live without this
  1. 1. ,Who is Kayla's Maid of Honor?
  2. 2. ,The name of their dog
  3. 4. ,Who is older, David or Kayla?
  4. 5. ,Kayla's eye color
  5. 6. ,Month of their anniversary
  6. 7. ,First dish they cooked together
  7. 8. ,Where did David go to college?
  8. 10. ,Who is Kayla's favorite musical group?