Kayla Sparacino Article X-Word

  1. 4. what was one main cause for the American revoultinary war?
  2. 8. How were loyalist treated and how did they feel?
  3. 10. who won the revolutinary War?
  4. 11. What book did Thomas paine write?
  5. 13. What month do we celebrate the Declaration of Independence?
  6. 14. Where was the shot heard around the world?
  7. 17. when did the revolutionary war begin?
  8. 19. why were the minutemen called that?
  9. 20. when was the Treaty Of Paris signed?
  1. 1. what started the revolutionary war?
  2. 2. who formed the Committee of Correspondence?
  3. 3. why did the patriots win the war what did they want?
  4. 4. what did Paul Revere say in Lexington?
  5. 5. The British had what solider?
  6. 6. What Americans joined the ______ army?
  7. 7. what did George Washington want in the Revoulinary War?
  8. 8. What war did the British and Patriots fight in?
  9. 9. When did the Revoultinary war End?
  10. 12. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
  11. 15. Who was founding father of the United States?
  12. 16. what was the Declaration of Independence known for?
  13. 18. What were the loyalist known for?