  1. 2. best man
  2. 5. subject bride teaches
  3. 6. highest degree of bride
  4. 9. wedding month
  5. 11. groom's middle name
  6. 12. groom's name
  7. 15. super hero in engagement pics
  8. 17. maid of honor
  9. 19. where they met
  10. 20. bride's middle name
  11. 21. wedding theme
  12. 23. couple's professions
  13. 25. where couple graduated from college
  14. 26. honeymoon destination
  1. 1. what we are serving to drink
  2. 3. bride's name
  3. 4. reception location
  4. 7. kkl
  5. 8. groom's eye color
  6. 10. church location
  7. 13. subject groom teaches
  8. 14. wedding date
  9. 16. bride's eye color
  10. 18. groom coaches what sport
  11. 22. matron of honor
  12. 24. something you are having today