Keeper of the Lost Cities - Books 1 & 2

  1. 3. the name of Sophie's bodyguard.
  2. 6. a peagsus and unicorn mixed together
  3. 7. the group of evil people in the series.
  4. 8. how telepaths communicate without talking.
  5. 10. Sophie's favorite Counselor name
  6. 11. the alicorn's name.
  7. 12. Sophie was Alden's _____ when they preformed a memory break on Fintan
  8. 14. the main character who is a Telepath.
  9. 16. Sophie is this particular mythical being
  10. 17. Sophie's first best friend
  11. 18. how elves travel without fading
  12. 19. someone who helps you train your ability
  13. 20. other elves in the story have blue eyes but she has.
  1. 1. one of the leaders in the Black Swan.
  2. 2. where the first female alicorn was ever seen.
  3. 3. the author of the book
  4. 4. the school nurse name
  5. 5. where Sophie lives.
  6. 9. Dex's is a _____?
  7. 13. The group of people who are in charge of Havenfield
  8. 15. the school the character attends.
  9. 16. this is where Prentice and other broken minds go