Kennedy's crossword on Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Theory of plate _________.
  2. 5. _______ rocks are created when magma/ lava cool and crystallize.
  3. 7. ________ are created when two plates pull apart at a divergent boundary.
  4. 9. When convergent boundaries push towards each other and the crust bends upwards, it creates ________.
  5. 10. ___________ rocks that are created from heat and pressure.
  6. 13. Boundary where plates move away from each other.
  7. 14. Plates move under one another, creates a trench.
  8. 15. The theory that new rock is being created at the same time it is being destroyed. Conservation of ______.
  1. 1. Transform boundaries can create ___________, which can destroy buildings and structures on the earths surface.
  2. 3. __________ current
  3. 4. ____________ rocks are created by the cementation and compaction of sediments.
  4. 6. Convergent and Divergent boundaries create _________ where volcanic ash and gases are released.
  5. 8. Boundary where plates move towards each other.
  6. 11. Floats on the asthenosphere.
  7. 12. Boundary where plates move alongside each other.