
  1. 2. A meeting between 19 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Russia, Turkey, UK and USA) and 2 regional bodies (the African Union and the European Union) to discuss important global issues
  2. 3. Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, the
  3. 6. It refers to the process of collecting money from individuals or businesses to fund public services
  4. 7. and global issues.
  5. 8. An agreement between two or more countries for the purpose of making trade easier.
  6. 10. States, Canada, and Russia) for discussing economic
  7. 11. An organization that helps countries by giving loans and grants for development projects.
  8. 12. It refers to the rules or guidelines that decide the value of money used inside a country
  1. 1. A once a year meeting of eight wealthy countries
  2. 2. When different countries from around the world become more connected by means of trade and technology.
  3. 4. Global organization that helps countries that are facing economic problems.
  4. 5. It is based on the idea that one’s own cultural or ethnic group is better than others
  5. 7. A name for factories in Mexico where companies from foreign countries set up operations to manufacture goods
  6. 9. It refers to the process of making illegally earned money to appear as clean.