
  1. 2. Sweet and juicy fruit
  2. 4. Footwear worn to protect the feet
  3. 5. Musical composition with lyrics
  4. 6. Furry pet
  5. 9. Oval object
  6. 10. Sweet dessert
  7. 12. Drinking container
  8. 13. Vehicle with wheels
  9. 14. Sleeping furniture
  10. 16. Round sports object
  11. 18. australian animal
  12. 19. sweet, bears love it
  1. 1. Water creature
  2. 2. Writing tool
  3. 3. Sounds arranged in a pleasing way
  4. 4. Bright sky object
  5. 7. Tall plant
  6. 8. Handle cup
  7. 11. Round fruit with a red or green skin
  8. 13. Piece of furniture used for sitting
  9. 15. Man's best friend
  10. 16. Printed pages
  11. 17. Water falling from the sky
  12. 18. Small object used to unlock things
  13. 19. Head-covering