Kiera - Geography Notes

  1. 1. grouping of languages based on a parent language (or branch) that share a common origin
  2. 5. languages that no longer are spoken
  3. 7. mutually understood and commonly used language between native languages
  4. 9. Identity of groupings of people who share specific traits, often cultural
  5. 11. areas with high amounts of an ethnic group, distinct from those around it
  6. 13. Belief that divinities do not exist
  7. 16. shared defining traits among those in cultural groupings
  8. 20. languages related through an ancestral line long before recordings of history
  9. 21. religious journey to a place considered sacred
  10. 25. languages related through an ancestral line proven by archaeology
  11. 26. A collection of sounds with meanings, commonly understood by a grouping of people
  12. 28. languages used in places of work/education
  13. 29. A religion which works off a hierarchy
  14. 30. belief divinities cannot be proven empirically
  1. 2. non-hierarchical religion
  2. 3. loyalty/devotion to one's nation/nationality
  3. 4. mass killing of a group in attempt to remove
  4. 6. policy designed to forcibly exclude other groups, made by a single ethnic/religious group
  5. 8. beliefs that natural disasters have spirits behind them
  6. 10. one who has been sent on a religious mission
  7. 12. languages that are unrelated/unattached to any other
  8. 14. A religion that attempts to appeal to all
  9. 15. commonly used languages with uncommonly distributed literary tradition
  10. 17. belief that one(+) race(s) are better/worse than others
  11. 18. Literal interpretation and strict adherence for the basic principles of a religion
  12. 19. categorization of a group of people based on appearance
  13. 22. Beliefs pertaining to multiple divinities
  14. 23. one who practices racism
  15. 24. identity of those who have legal attachment(s) to a specific nation
  16. 27. beliefs pertaining to one divinity