Kindness crossword puzzle
- 3. Katelyn's wifey
- 4. Good at gaming
- 9. So ambitious in everything she does
- 11. Always willing to work
- 12. Always looking cute low key
- 13. Always up for a good time to game
- 15. Such a talented artist
- 17. Always willing to share
- 19. Good at doodling
- 22. Ready to stand up for what she believes in
- 23. So compassionate and cares about others
- 25. Always willing to share knowledge
- 26. Genuinely interested to learn
- 29. So fun to talk to
- 31. Trend setter (beat star)
- 32. Very reliable
- 33. Very confident
- 34. Loves to nap
- 36. so sweet
- 1. So funny
- 2. So smart
- 4. Fun to talk to
- 5. Dr. Phil and M and M's
- 6. Willing to help no matter what
- 7. Valeria's wifey
- 8. Loves her baby sister
- 10. Loves to tell stories, very kind
- 14. Sometimes acts a bit crazy
- 16. Always has interesting ideas
- 18. Looks so cute, and she has a contagious laugh
- 20. Talented at anything she does
- 21. Funny and very easy going
- 24. So, so, so smart (also, crutchy)
- 27. Very compassionate about what she believes in
- 28. So good at basketball
- 30. Has a tender heart
- 34. Always funny and fun to talk to
- 35. Billington Has good stories
- 37. Great at basketball