King Tutankhamun

  1. 3. He funded the search for Tutankhamuns tomb
  2. 7. The first clue
  3. 8. He found the tomb of Tutankhamun
  4. 9. Where Tutankhamuns tomb was found
  5. 12. The name used for a king in ancient Egyption times
  6. 13. One of Tutankhamuns other names
  7. 14. He was Tutankhamuns father
  8. 15. The jackal god of embalming
  9. 17. A body that has been preserved after death
  1. 1. A tall plant that was used for writing on
  2. 2. The insect that killed Lord Carnarvon
  3. 4. He became Pharaoh when he was 9 years old
  4. 5. The thing that Tutankhamuns preserved body was in
  5. 6. Lord Carnarvons daughters name
  6. 10. Plaster things that blocked the doorways into the tomb
  7. 11. The section of the tomb that the canopic shrine was in
  8. 16. Technique for preserving a dead body