Kitchen & Food Safety

  1. 2. This grows rapidly between 4℃ - 60℃.
  2. 6. When washing hands, sing the Happy Birthday song this many times.
  3. 7. What is the fourth step in the food safety process?
  4. 10. Put out a grease fire with this. (2 Words)
  5. 12. This is not a reliable indicator of food safety.
  6. 14. Acronym for using a fire extinguisher on a kitchen fire.
  7. 15. Sweep large pieces of this into a paper bag.
  8. 16. Which dishes should you wash first?
  9. 18. What do you use to wipe up small pieces of glass? (3 Words)
  10. 20. What material should never be put in a microwave?
  11. 22. When raw meat comes in contact with other food this occurs.
  12. 23. Use these when handling hot dishes.
  13. 24. Measure the temperature of food in this part of the meat. Do not touch bone.
  14. 26. Appliance set at -18℃.
  15. 27. Knives are safer this way.
  16. 28. What is the second step in the food safety process?
  17. 30. What is the third step in the food safety process?
  18. 31. You should always wear one of these in the kitchen.
  1. 1. Do this before entering the Banting kitchen food lab. (2 words)
  2. 3. What is the first step in the food safety process?
  3. 4. Wash these separately.
  4. 5. The best cutting boards to use are made of this or glass.
  5. 8. What type of spoon should you use to stir hot foods?
  6. 9. Where is the safest place to defrost food?
  7. 11. Never put this on a grease fire.
  8. 13. If you cut yourself you must wear these to continue cooking. (2 Words)
  9. 17. The safest way to ensure that meat is cooked to a proper internal temperature.
  10. 19. After cleaning, you could do this to kitchen surfaces.
  11. 21. Range between 4℃ - 60℃.
  12. 25. Wash your hands for this many seconds.
  13. 29. Bacteria found in raw vegetables and undercooked ground beef.