Kitchen Safety (Grade 7 pg. 44/45)

  1. 2. If you have a severe burn, you should get _______ help right away.
  2. 5. You are twice as likely to have a fatal fire if you don't have a ______ ______.
  3. 7. Check that your oven and other kitchen _________ are turned off once you have finished using them.
  4. 9. Rushing around the kitchen will almost _________ accidents. Move slowly.
  5. 11. If your _______ catches fire you should not run.
  6. 12. Always remember to turn off a stovetop ________ when you are finished using it.
  7. 14. If _______ is spilt on your oven, it can burn and catch fire. Clean up spills on your oven.
  8. 15. You need to use a lid to ________ a grease fire.
  1. 1. When you burn yourself, you should run the burn under cool ______.
  2. 3. Using a _______ tea towel will burn you.
  3. 4. Never use water on a ________ fire.
  4. 6. Always stay in the ________ when you have things cooking. Do not leave.
  5. 8. If there is a ______ on the floor, clean it up right away to prevent slipping.
  6. 10. If you are carrying a pot of hot ______ you should make sure that everyone is out of the way and take your time.
  7. 13. __________ accessories, long sleeves or jewelry or ties from clothing can hook onto pot handles.