Kitchen Safety/Sanitaion

  1. 3. Responsibility to provide a safe environment to employees
  2. 5. Maintaining a safe working environment preventing accidents
  3. 8. Food and Drug Administration
  4. 11. National Institute of Standards and Technology
  5. 12. Required nationally by the FDA
  6. 14. Keep floor clean and dry
  7. 15. Food Safety and Inspection Service
  8. 18. "It's better to be safe than ___"
  9. 19. The temperature a freezer should be
  1. 1. Process of handling food in ways that are clean and healthy
  2. 2. A legal requirement for food producers
  3. 4. The amount of time you should wash your hands
  4. 6. Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  5. 7. Safety tool with a class A,B,C,D,and K
  6. 9. "Cut ___ from the body"
  7. 10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  8. 12. "Avoid over-reaching and climbing too ___"
  9. 13. safety training and certificate program for restaurant and foodservice
  10. 16. Using precautionary methods in the kitchen to prevent an accident
  11. 17. Is a sharp or dull nice safer?