Kitten Shower

  1. 2. weeks the age a kitten begins to eat solid foods
  2. 4. the best 'person' to care for a kitten
  3. 6. tool used to feed tiny kittens
  4. 9. the best way to help reduce unplanned litters
  5. 10. a term for kittens arriving at the shelter that are 0-4 weeks old
  6. 13. used by foster families for grooming and to help build confidence in kittens
  7. 14. temporary housing at the shelter for kittens
  1. 1. tool used to return lost kittens to their home
  2. 2. the average number of formula ounces a kitten in foster care will consume
  3. 3. used to feed orphaned who can't eat solid foods
  4. 5. treatment against disease given to all kittens at WVHS
  5. 7. caring individuals who open their home to orphaned kittens
  6. 8. the age a kitten typically fully opens its eyes
  7. 11. pounds how big a kitten must be before being spay or neutered
  8. 12. a happy tail for homeless kittens