Knee Anatomy

  1. 2. A test for possible LCL Tear
  2. 4. smaller bone next to the shin
  3. 7. Also known as shin
  4. 10. Acute injury caused by hyperflexion of the knee
  5. 12. Joint that joins the tibiainflammationbula
  6. 13. Acute injury caused by excessive varus force.
  7. 17. Acute injury to the cartilage in the knee
  8. 18. Shock absorber on the inner knee
  9. 20. Knee cap bone
  10. 21. A test for possible PCL Tear
  11. 22. Acute injury caused by direct trauma to knee cap bone
  12. 23. A test for possible MCL Tear
  13. 24. Acute injury can be caused by a direct blow to a joint
  1. 1. inflammation in the knee cap bone, Also known as runner's knee
  2. 3. Muscle group on the anterior side of the thigh
  3. 5. Acute injury caused by hyperextending the knee
  4. 6. Shock absorber on the outer knee
  5. 8. A test for chondromalacia patella
  6. 9. Joint that joins the the patella and the femur
  7. 11. Chronic injury due to overuse, pain on the lateral side of the knee
  8. 14. A test for joint line discomfort or catching
  9. 15. A test for possible ACL Tear
  10. 16. Muscle group on the posterior side of the thigh
  11. 17. Acute injury caused by excessive valgus force.
  12. 19. Also known as your thigh bone