Crossword Riddles
- 2. has key but can’t open any doors
- 4. starts with gas
- 6. two words but thousands of letter
- 9. expensive fish
- 12. 26 letters but only 3 syllables
- 15. 3 consecutive days w/o Wed, Fri or Sun
- 16. can’t answer this question
- 17. spelled the sane forwards, backwards or upside down
- 19. buy to eat but never consume
- 21. begins and ends w T and has T in it
- 24. tree that fits in your hand
- 25. shortest is the best one
- 27. space but no room
- 28. no lungs but needs air
- 30. can never be eaten for breakfast
- 31. can be pronounced the same with 4 letter removed
- 34. longest word in dictionary
- 35. goes up but never comes down
- 40. many rings but no fingers
- 42. where four is half of five
- 47. tastes better than it smells
- 48. the more there is, the less you see
- 49. odd number becomes even by taking one away
- 50. on the ground but never gets dirty
- 52. building with the most stories
- 53. comes from a mine, surrounded by wood
- 54. runs but can’t walk
- 56. belongs to you but used more by others
- 60. most go A-Z but I go Z-A
- 62. spell cow with 13 letters
- 63. has a head, tail and brown w/o legs
- 65. looks like a cat but not a cat
- 66. where today comes before tomorrow
- 67. gets wet while drying
- 68. five letter work that has one left when two are removed
- 70. has cities but no houses
- 72. two pair of twins twice
- 75. when I’m alive we sing but clap when dead
- 76. always on the way but never arrives
- 77. neck but no head
- 78. bear with no teeth
- 1. makes buckets weigh less
- 3. two in every room
- 5. Red but smells like blue paint
- 6. finish a book without finishing a sentence
- 7. sits and waits, pointed fangs, crunch w weight
- 8. 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, 2/4 goat
- 10. head but no brain
- 11. 3 consecutive double letters
- 13. orange with a green hat
- 14. has teeth but can’t bite
- 18. poor have, rich need it
- 20. OTTFFSS next letter
- 22. breaks without touching
- 23. disappears when you say it
- 26. what do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common
- 29. in front of you but can’t be seen
- 32. the more you take the more left behind
- 33. place where ghosts avoid
- 34. reads the same upside down
- 36. bug sport
- 37. easy to lift, hard to throw
- 38. has branches but no leaves
- 39. comes down but never goes up
- 41. first male, then greatness, then female greatness
- 43. I am saved, changed and raised
- 44. once in a minute, twice in a moment
- 45. has a bottom at the top
- 46. no life but dies
- 47. number of months w 28 days
- 51. weight lifting bird
- 55. grows up while growing down
- 57. has eye but can’t see
- 58. room with no doors or windows
- 59. forward heavy backward not
- 61. gets sharper the more it is used
- 64. what makes 7 unique
- 69. full of holes but strong as steel
- 71. sweet and cold with a stick to hold
- 73. can’t talk but always replies
- 74. at end of rainbow
- 79. more useful when broken