Know My Grade 11 Biology Classmates

  1. 3. Sarah got one of these this Summer
  2. 6. Walker's favourite flavour of bagel
  3. 7. Loves listening to music
  4. 11. Works at Halendas
  5. 12. Steven's favourite hockey team (Leafs are better)
  6. 14. Did a lot of camping this Summer
  7. 15. Shelby owns this kind of pet
  8. 16. What Hannah G. loves to do
  9. 18. She visited PEI
  10. 19. Likes to ride BMX
  1. 1. Where Alyssa visited this Summer
  2. 2. Selina went on wild rides here
  3. 4. She visited Disney World
  4. 5. What Colin fell off of this Summer (hint it wasn't the CN tower)
  5. 6. She likes to take care of Puppies
  6. 8. Where Emma visited this Summer
  7. 9. Can be found skateboarding (and falling)
  8. 10. Owns a nice car
  9. 13. Went to Pakistan
  10. 14. Visited Halifax
  11. 17. What Jacob is really good at