Know the words !

  1. 3. To make a secret plan
  2. 6. To force somebody to pay money
  3. 7. With which the criminal kills somebody
  4. 10. The reason behind action(s)
  5. 11. A person who investigates crimes and obtains evidence or information
  6. 13. Excuse / explanation / justification
  7. 14. The synonym of "kill"
  8. 15. The person who sees the crime
  1. 1. The person who can be a criminal
  2. 2. Who keeps the law
  3. 4. To carry off and hold a person usually for money
  4. 5. An impression of the markings of the inner surface of the finger
  5. 8. Synonym of "proof"
  6. 9. The person who suffers / who is killed
  7. 12. Synonym for "accusation"