Koehler LD Notes

  1. 2. contractions increase in strength and the baby is born
  2. 3. Contractions of uterus resulting in dilation
  3. 8. The time after delivery where rest is the mothers primary need
  4. 10. Mother and baby are closely monitored
  5. 11. Soft spots between the unfused sections of the baby’s skull
  6. 12. Process of fetus being expelled from uterus
  7. 13. When baby is born bottom or feet first
  8. 14. Delivery through the vaginal opening
  1. 1. The regular tightening of the uterus working to push the baby down the birth canal
  2. 4. the amniotic sac, placenta, & umbilical cord are expelled
  3. 5. Spontaneous abortion
  4. 6. The extent to which the cervix has opened in preparation for childbirth
  5. 7. The position of the baby in birth canal
  6. 8. when baby is head first and face up
  7. 9. This refers to the thinning of the cervix in preparation for birth and is expressed in percentages