
  1. 3. President during the Korean War who fired General Douglas MacArthur in April of 1951 because of their differing views on the war (last name)
  2. 5. MacArthurs's invasion of this city on Korea's western border was a major turning point in the war.
  3. 8. Became Supreme Commander of UN forces in Korea after MacArthur was fired (last name)
  4. 9. The parallel or line of latitude at which Korea was divided after WWII
  5. 10. President who succeeded in ending the Korean War (last name)
  1. 1. This was the term used by Truman to refer to the involvement of the U.S. in the Korean conflict; war was never officially declared.
  2. 2. became the president of South Korea in 1948 when North and South Korea set up their own governments (full name)
  3. 4. Commander of UN forces in Korea from 1950 to 1951 (last name)
  4. 6. The entry of this country into the war in late 1950 ruined the U.S. plan for victory.
  5. 7. Capital of South Korea; MacArthur's forces were able to recapture this city after the invasion at Inchon