
  1. 4. President during the Korean War.
  2. 5. Leader of South Korea during the Korean war.
  3. 8. City peace talks were held at.
  4. 9. City in South korea where US troops landed to push North Korea back to the 38th Parallel.
  5. 11. Policy that burned down their own cities as they left so the enemy couldnĀ“t use them.
  6. 12. When did the Korean war start?
  1. 1. Korean/Chinese Casualties.
  2. 2. The border that divides the Korean peninsula.
  3. 3. General the was realized of his duties during the Korea war conflict.
  4. 6. The natural border between China and North Korea.
  5. 7. Leader of North Korea during Korean War.
  6. 10. Main communist supporter of North Korea.