Korean War

  1. 3. North Korea wanted a ___ government.
  2. 5. The border between North and South Korea.
  3. 6. The People's Republic of ___ was a strong ally of North Korea.
  4. 8. South Korea emerged as a ___ after the war.
  5. 9. Dictator and ruler of South Korea.
  6. 10. One of the first major engagements of the war.
  7. 13. The Truman ___ was a statement from Truman that the U.S. is committed to fight the spread of communism.
  8. 17. USSR leader during the Korean War.
  9. 18. The ___ backed North Korea in the war.
  10. 19. Commander of UN forces during Korean War.
  11. 20. The ___ River formed a boundary between North Korea and China.
  12. 21. The capital of South Korea.
  1. 1. The ___ voted to intervene and defend South Korea.
  2. 2. Commander of the U.S. forces in Korea.
  3. 4. The ___ backed South Korea in the war.
  4. 7. The president of the U.S. who gave orders to help South Korea to fight off communist North Korea.
  5. 11. The Korean ___ Agreement formally ended the war in Korea.
  6. 12. ___ Korea wanted to unite the Koreas under communism.
  7. 14. ___ Zone was formed after the armistice that acted as a border to stop any attacks or invasions.
  8. 15. Communist Party leader in North Korea.
  9. 16. The capital of North Korea.
  10. 19. Served as chairman of the People's Republic of China.