Korean War

  1. 5. The US and USSR were known as world _________________________s.
  2. 6. This was the original general that was tasked with leading US troops in Korea.
  3. 8. The 38th Parallel is this type of line.
  4. 10. The US was trying to stop the spread of this around the world.
  5. 11. Operation _______________________ was an offensive by the US that tried to take back Seoul.
  1. 1. The 38th __________________ separated North and South Korea.
  2. 2. Operation _________________________ was the next major offensive in February of 1951.
  3. 3. This general took over after the 1st was fired.
  4. 4. This country was allied with the Soviet Union.
  5. 5. This country was allied with the USA.
  6. 7. This type of agreement ended the Korean War.
  7. 9. This was the president of the US during the Korean War.