Korean War

  1. 2. The Korea fighing for control and comunismm
  2. 6. A belief held by Russia, China, And North Korea
  3. 7. A _______ Action was taken to allow America to help the fight in the Koreas
  4. 10. the 38th _________
  5. 11. The United ______ was a supporter of South Korea through the use of American Troops
  6. 13. Peace ______
  1. 1. an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting
  2. 3. Another Name for the Soviet Union
  3. 4. The ________ Theory stated that one contry turning communist would lead to many more turning too
  4. 5. A Acronym for the Korea Demilitarized Zone
  5. 8. When one country enters another country uninvited
  6. 9. Another Asian country that supported North Korea
  7. 12. The Korea that was Allied with America