Korean War
- 5. The U.S. and U.S.S.R. used the Korean war as a _____ war.
- 7. General put in charge of the NATO forces in the Korean War.
- 10. He was South Korea’s first elected president.
- 11. He wanted to use the Korean War to his advantage.
- 12. Another problem with war.
- 14. Leader on mainland China.
- 15. The U.S. and U.N. encouraged South Korea to have this.
- 16. North Korean ally during the war.
- 1. Doctrine that established America’s position against communism.
- 2. General MacArthur’s position in the war, “There is no substitute for ______.”
- 3. “I agree. No more fighting.” (def)
- 4. How long did the Korean war last?
- 6. Anti-communist Chinese country.
- 8. Communist leader in North Korea.
- 9. The problem with war.
- 13. President Truman was blamed for _____ becoming a communist country.