Korean War Crossword

  1. 4. capital of South Korea
  2. 5. Anti-reds cornered here by North Korea
  3. 6. The first 'S' of the USSR
  4. 7. 35th president
  5. 8. Commander of the United Nations forces
  6. 13. The war without heat
  7. 15. Ammunition on an island, perhaps
  8. 19. Asian country land divide
  9. 20. Last name of the anti-red leader
  10. 21. The anti-red leader
  11. 22. capital of North Korea
  1. 1. Afraid of crimson
  2. 2. neighbor of North Korea
  3. 3. southern country of South Korea
  4. 7. The war of a lost memory
  5. 9. Together country
  6. 10. The river bordering china and North Korea
  7. 11. Wisconsin Senator
  8. 12. supporter of North Korea
  9. 14. Child of Leningrad,Billy Joel
  10. 16. Red country leader
  11. 17. Last chance for the anti-reds
  12. 18. The rights of the people