Korean War Crossword

  1. 3. The First President of South Korea, he was a capitalist, who led the defense against the North Korean Invasion?
  2. 5. The leader of China, whose decision to intervene in the war impacted its course.
  3. 6. What was the zone created between North and South Korea to act as a barrier after the war ended?
  4. 10. Which Country did South Korea receive aid from
  5. 12. What was the border line crossed when North Korean forces started the war?
  6. 13. A Major Economic Impact of the Korean War
  1. 1. Who was the founder and leader of North Korea, a communist, who initiated the invasion of South Korea
  2. 2. What was the name of the Communistic Propaganda used in the war
  3. 4. Miracle on "blank" River
  4. 7. What was signed in 1953 that was said to be a talk of peace.
  5. 8. The Commander of UN forces in Korea, known for his bold strategies.
  6. 9. After the war, North Korea's economy was based off heavy industry and;
  7. 11. What did the Korean ultimately end in