KR Extra Credit

  1. 4. the category of the determiner in the following sentence: Those shoes look bad.
  2. 8. type of conjunction that connects one clause with another clause that has less weight and importance
  3. 10. manner of the following adverb: Since I was sick, I went to bed early.
  4. 11. type of verbs that require an object
  5. 13. verbs that provide additional information about person, tense, mood, and so forth
  6. 14. sets of words that go into pairs
  7. 16. verbs that stand by themselves without needing an object
  8. 17. a word that takes the place of a noun. (e.g., he, she, his, her)
  9. 18. a type of personal pronoun used to signify possession
  10. 20. adverbs that connect 2 or more independent clauses
  11. 22. adjectives that follows a copula
  12. 23. category of determiners that use words such as, "every, nine, another, more, all, any" etc.
  13. 24. adjectives that describe the quality of the noun or pronoun they modify and come in 2 types of their own
  14. 25. refer to specific entities
  1. 1. superlative form of bad
  2. 2. adjectives that can be modified to compare two or more entities along a continuum
  3. 3. small set of words that join words with words, phrases with phrases, and clauses with clauses
  4. 5. type of prepositions where it is "adverb + preposition"
  5. 6. comprise a relatively small, and therefore finite, class of words that serve to connect nouns and pronouns to other nouns, pronouns, and verbs
  6. 7. type of verb for which the past participle is formed in a unique manner that does not follow the general formation rule of adding -ed
  7. 9. comparative form of good
  8. 12. finite group of words that can take the place of nouns
  9. 15. types of adjectives that use words such as "whose, which, and what".
  10. 19. both sides of the sentence have equal weight and importance
  11. 21. adjectives that come before nouns