KTMCC Sunday School Crossword 2021

  1. 3. Which book of the Bible refers to India ?
  2. 8. Which Epistle speaks of the fruits of the Spirit ?
  3. 9. Which bird supplied the prophet Elijah with food by the brook of Kerith
  4. 11. Which priest of the most high God blessed Abraham ?
  5. 14. Who cried to his father " Bless me, even me also, O my father ?"
  6. 15. In what city were the disciples first called Christians ?
  7. 16. The Hebrew name of Esther
  8. 19. The Editor's note in the KTMCC Sunday School Souvenir 2020 was on Runners and _______
  9. 20. Who founded the Church
  10. 24. Name the mountain where Abraham took Issac for sacrifice ?
  11. 25. Where was Paul born ?
  1. 1. The feeding of the _______ thousand is the only miracle of Jesus recorded in all the four gospels
  2. 2. The first name of the former student and Teacher of the KTMCC Sunday School who wrote the poem titled " In His Hands in the 2020 Souvenir."
  3. 4. Who became King at the age of eight ?
  4. 5. A daughter of Solomon
  5. 6. The three daughters of Job were Jemima, Kezia and ........
  6. 7. The town of Samuel the prophet
  7. 10. Who was the first judge of Israel?
  8. 12. Who called God " the rock of Israel ?"
  9. 13. Which church was called the lukewarm church in Revelation ?
  10. 17. From the Photos in the back cover of the KTMCC Sunday School Souvenir 2020, identify the event that happened on 23 May 2013?
  11. 18. Who baptizes with fire ?
  12. 21. The father of Samson
  13. 22. Near which city did Jesus first appear to Paul (Saul)
  14. 23. Name the capital of Judah