L2 Q2 Day 29 Vocabulary Ch. 9 Part 1

  1. 3. 3rd PP of "guard"
  2. 5. genitive of "companion"
  3. 8. "I led"
  4. 10. 4th PP of "destroy"
  5. 12. 2nd PP of "send"
  6. 14. English for mors
  7. 15. English for occupo
  1. 1. "I moved"
  2. 2. "country" gen. sg.
  3. 4. "battle" nom. sg.
  4. 6. 2nd PP of "kill"
  5. 7. "shield" nom. sg.
  6. 9. 4th PP of "bear"
  7. 11. English for dux
  8. 13. English for deinde