L4 Weekly Crossword Puzzle - Week 8

  1. 3. When using a future tense,______ is used to reference an event that has already been planned.
  2. 4. The students felt a lot of pleasure when they heard the news.
  3. 7. The teacher was overwhelmed and hopelessly waiting for the weekend.
  4. 10. Expression meaning to have missed an opportunity and may not get another.
  5. 14. A fight between a small number of soldiers that is usually short and not planned, and happens away from the main area of fighting in a war.
  6. 17. The hotel had no more rooms for us in Quebec City.
  1. 1. Natia was strongly attracted by the man.
  2. 2. A person who gets money, food, etc. from other people, especially in order to live without working.
  3. 5. Last night during her studies, Dragana has repeated thoughts and experienced anxiety.
  4. 6. Having very serious effects or causing great pain.
  5. 8. With time, Anton will get better at Spanish.
  6. 9. More commonly used with recent decisions, certain futures, and predictions.
  7. 11. A person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a vagrant or beggar.
  8. 12. To take apart (a piece of machinery or equipment) in order to examine it and repair it if necessary.
  9. 13. The Mexican and Colombian students engaged in a vigorous struggle with each other.
  10. 15. Hazreen saw a gorgeous handbag for his wife at the store; he really, really wants to buy it for her.
  11. 16. Alan does not expect me to mend his uniform patch.