L6 Crossword Starter

  1. 2. First ever mass produced car
  2. 4. This massive company could be mistaken for selling holes in the wall made of glass
  3. 6. All their stores are massive...and their tag line is “The wonderful everyday”
  4. 8. There have been stranger things and at least 13 reasons why the last dance have been shown
  5. 9. Tag line is “Eat Fresh”
  6. 10. Sell toys, movies and even theme park tickets
  1. 1. Finger lickin' Good
  2. 3. Where dreams come true
  3. 4. Amongst pet food and other food products this company sells chocolate that is out of this world
  4. 5. They have the 5th Generation of one of their best sellers out this year
  5. 7. Just do it