La rutina diraria

  1. 2. the mirror
  2. 3. to shower
  3. 6. to brush teeth
  4. 7. the towel
  5. 8. to get up
  6. 10. to bathe
  7. 12. the sink
  8. 13. to take off
  9. 14. the toilet
  10. 19. the makeup
  11. 21. the shower
  12. 22. the deodorant
  13. 23. to wash your hands
  1. 1. the shaving cream
  2. 2. the brush
  3. 4. to put on
  4. 5. to comb
  5. 7. the bathtub
  6. 9. to shave
  7. 11. the faucet
  8. 15. to wake up
  9. 16. the soap
  10. 17. to put on makeup
  11. 18. the shampoo
  12. 20. the comb