Lab Equipment/Safety

  1. 5. A test tube is cleaned with a test tube _________.
  2. 6. These should be worn anytime when working with heat or chemicals.
  3. 9. This is used to channel liquid or fine-grained substances into containers with a small opening.
  4. 10. This is usually made of glass and comes in multiple sizes. It is not used for accurate measurement.
  5. 13. This is used for measuring temperature.
  1. 1. An _______ flask is flat on the bottom and becomes straighter as it goes up. Best for stirring contents together, not really used for measurement.
  2. 2. A fire _______ should be used if a person is on fire.
  3. 3. A _______ burner can heat lab samples when it is supposed to be over 100 degrees Celsius.
  4. 4. This is worn during lab to protect clothing.
  5. 5. After the lab is over, your space should look as clean as it did _______ you started.
  6. 7. A _________ cylinder is used for accurate measurement. It is tall, narrow, and usually made of glass or plastic.
  7. 8. a small piece of glass or plastic meant to transfer a small amount of liquid
  8. 11. tube This is not used for measuring, but it is a plain tube that is closed at one end.
  9. 12. Looks like tweezers.