Lab equipment Hugo et Marie

  1. 3. To separate liquid and solid.
  2. 7. Serve to protect your eyes of toxique steam
  3. 8. Helps to do a sample
  4. 9. To shake a solution
  5. 11. To make samples
  6. 12. glasswork with a tap to take off chemical product with much precision
  7. 14. Glasswork which serve to weigh samples
  1. 1. a recipient por move from a glasswork a other glasswork
  2. 2. coat It's very important to protect yourself
  3. 4. a glasswork to keep a chemical product
  4. 5. Serve to decant a product to an other recipient without overflow
  5. 6. Help to stir and don't escape gaz of chemical product
  6. 10. a support of test tube
  7. 12. A space to work in the lab
  8. 13. To analyse microbes in a sample
  9. 15. It's util to do a sample solid