Lab Expectations

  1. 3. Lab groups will be created by Mrs. Francom and changed _____________.
  2. 5. If a student misses lab they must _______ pictures of completing the lab at home to mrs. francom.
  3. 6. what you should read every day prior to completing the lab.
  4. 7. The amount of labs that can be missed with no consequence.
  5. 10. What you will sign prior to starting labs.
  6. 13. How many times you can take the starter quiz.
  7. 14. The job in the kitchens that is mainly responsible for doing dishes.
  8. 15. Fill in the sentence: Cooking & ____________ are BOTH part of lab and you will do BOTH at some point.
  9. 16. Something that will NOT be allowed in the kitchens unless permission is granted.
  10. 17. The quiz you need to take at the beginning of lab each day.
  11. 18. I grade lab evaluations based off of your ___________.
  1. 1. How your lab evaluation will be graded each time.
  2. 2. The main part of your lab grade
  3. 4. what you will complete at the end of every lab.
  4. 5. Class ______________ still apply even in lab.
  5. 8. A task you will be assigned every day as part of lab.
  6. 9. One part of your lab grade is respectful use of ____________________.
  7. 11. The part of your grade that labs will go on.
  8. 12. The person who is mainly in charge of the cooking in lab for the day.