Lab Gang
- 7. The best person out there
- 11. Has someone who has a Korean obsession with them
- 12. Favorite spot to eat
- 13. what sport did I use to play
- 16. Someone who sucks at physics
- 17. the most annoying slender man looking person
- 18. Mostly everyone's favorite pop
- 1. Quinn's future husband
- 2. Someone who has an edit of himself
- 3. First name of someone zander wants to get with
- 4. Someone who almost crushed my legs
- 5. what miranda always says to Quinn (___ __ Quinn.)
- 6. A big fish
- 8. Lab report food
- 9. The lab report spot
- 10. My cousin who sits with us in physics
- 12. Someone who doesn't like to be hit
- 14. Someone who literally hates us all
- 15. Coffee Order
- 16. Quinn's nickname
- 18. last name of a brilliant man