Lab-Grown Meat article

  1. 1. Oliver Milman
  2. 5. Lab-Grown
  3. 7. Doesn't eat meat
  4. 9. Food and Drug Administration
  5. 13. Vast areas of land were deforested for
  6. 14. Eats more than 260lbs of meat each year
  7. 15. Good Food Institute
  8. 16. Founder of Mission Barns
  9. 18. What started in 2018?
  10. 19. Animals that they take the cells from
  11. 20. Bacon Lettuce Tomato Sandwich
  1. 2. Slaughter of livestock contributes to ____ of global emmisions
  2. 3. Kind of meat from a pig
  3. 4. First Lab Grown ____ cost $330,000
  4. 6. The process can also be _____ intensive
  5. 8. lab-grown ____ cost $50 to make in 2019
  6. 10. Animals raised for food
  7. 11. Name of the pig
  8. 12. Worlds Largest producer of Beef and Chicken
  9. 17. Company that makes plant based meats