lab safety

  1. 3. wash with plenty of water
  2. 6. do not use damaged electrical
  3. 7. must be worn when chemicals, heat, or glassware is being used
  4. 10. should be used when in the lab
  5. 12. remain hot for a while after heating
  6. 14. must be secured
  7. 15. Dispose of all chemical ______ properly
  8. 18. never handle with bare hands
  9. 19. perform only those authorized by the instructor
  10. 20. if a chemical _____ in your eye wash for at least 20 mins
  11. 22. always work in a ______-_______ area
  12. 23. must be tied back
  13. 24. carry in a vertical position to reduce breakage
  14. 25. are to be considered dangerous in the
  1. 1. do not eat
  2. 2. fill with distilled water only
  3. 4. never leave unattended
  4. 5. must not be touched, notify instructor when exposed
  5. 8. is not allowed in the laboratory
  6. 9. always carry with point and tips pointing down
  7. 11. never remove chemicals or other ______ from the laboratory
  8. 13. when transferring ______ from one container to another, hold the containers away from your body
  9. 16. can be worn with adequate face and eye protection
  10. 17. do no immerse in cold water if hot, it may shatter
  11. 21. looks the same when heated or cooled
  12. 26. report any accident or