Lab Safety

  1. 2. Follow your teacher's ____ to dispose of any waste materials
  2. 3. Follow all written and _______ directions carefully
  3. 5. ____ properly-long hair must be tied back
  4. 10. Consider all ____ used in the science room to be dangerous
  5. 11. Learn where the safety ________ is located and how to use it
  6. 13. ____, practical jokes, and pranks will not be tolerated
  1. 1. Always carry a _____ with both hands
  2. 4. Handle all ____ with care
  3. 6. Never eat, drink, chew gum, or ___ anything in the science room
  4. 7. Never remove safety ______ or goggles during an experiment
  5. 8. Report any _____ (fire, spill, breakage, etc)
  6. 9. Use extreme ______ when using matches, a burner, or hot plate
  7. 12. Keep _______ away from face, eyes, and mouth while using science materials or when working with chemicals