Lab Safety

  1. 2. What must some girls have to pull back during a lab experiment?
  2. 5. What may you not to any materials in the lab without the teacher's permission?
  3. 9. What is sometimes worn in a lab to protect you clothing from getting ruined?
  4. 10. What must not dangle from around your neck while doing a lab experiment?
  5. 11. Open toed ________ may not be worn on lab days.
  6. 12. The method you use in the lab to smell a substance is called "waft to ________."
  7. 15. Always read the __________ before starting any experiment.
  8. 17. What type broken substance must never be picked up by a student?
  9. 18. How do you enter the lab?
  10. 19. Who do you tell is a piece of lab equipment accidentally breaks?
  11. 20. Never put any substance in the lab into your _______.
  1. 1. What will you sometimes wear in a lab to protect your hands from burns or cuts?
  2. 3. When do you inform the teacher of an unsafe condition occurs?
  3. 4. What must be signed before any student is allowed to participate in labs?
  4. 6. What will you sometimes have to wash after conducting an experiment?
  5. 7. Drinks, gum and ________ are not allowed in the lab.
  6. 8. Loose ________ on your clothing must be pulled up or removed from your body if possible.
  7. 13. Always _________ carefully to the teacher's directions.
  8. 14. What should be worn over your eyes while conducting an experiment in the lab?
  9. 16. What may you not do to an experiment before the teacher gives directions?