Lab Safety

  1. 1. wear around eyes while working in lab
  2. 5. use these with extreme caution, turn off when not in use
  3. 7. remove all of this from work areas and floors
  4. 9. wear these on your feet at all times
  5. 13. report this to the teacher immediately
  6. 14. you have to know all these procedures
  7. 15. appropriate, wear this in lab
  1. 2. ___ book, bring only to lab
  2. 3. always act this way when present in the lab
  3. 4. keep areas ___
  4. 6. dispose objects in this, not in the sink
  5. 8. when removing this, pull on plug, not on cord
  6. 10. tie this back in lab
  7. 11. use only these things authorized by the instructor
  8. 12. doing this is strictly forbidden in lab