Lab Safety Brock Dodson

  1. 5. Never remove ___ from the lab.
  2. 7. be prepared for your work in the ___.
  3. 9. Never___ chemicals in the sink drain.
  4. 10. Keep hands away from face, ___, mouth, and body while using chemicals.
  5. 11. How to handle all specimens.
  6. 12. Conduct yourself in a ___ manner.
  7. 15. Report any ___ or injury to the instructor immediately.
  8. 16. you keep these away when transferring from one to another.
  9. 17. Handle ___ liquids over a pan to contain spills.
  10. 19. Keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth, and ___ while using chemicals.
  11. 20. Never leave a ___ burner unattended.
  12. 21. The code you yell out for injuries.
  13. 22. Keep hands away from ___, eyes, mouth, and body while using chemicals.
  1. 1. Keep hands away from face, eyes, ___, and body while using chemicals.
  2. 2. The position to carry long tubing.
  3. 3. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered ___.
  4. 4. Be ___ and proceed with caution in the lab.
  5. 6. Know what to do if there is a ___ in the lab.
  6. 8. Check the ___ on chemical bottles twice before use.
  7. 9. when ___ thermometers are broken notify the instructor immediately.
  8. 11. Any time Chemicals, ___, or glassware are used, students will wear laboratory goggles.
  9. 13. preform only those experiments authorized by the instructor.
  10. 14. Examine ___ before each use.
  11. 18. Never handle glass with your ___.